
Sunday, October 29, 2023

neocities website i was makin

the reason theres horrid colors splashed on the screen is as in like uh, the base. after i finish adjusting the layouts and stuff I'll decorate it and it'll be a bit more pleasing to look at. It's like making a sketch and then you'll clean it a lil bit by tracing the sketch to make a neat lineart, hope u can understand


  1. no the name is not gonna be crtmonitor, that's an ass name.
    I've work on this web since july, and the reason i'm not finish was because my ass is slacking, and obv theres so many shit i think about doing but in the end i ended up not, sad tho

    1. i i i i i i be poppin bottles
      im actually confused what to name the website
      think think thinksss

    2. flanpudding or seasnail comment down below

    3. Seasnail please, very adorable name

    4. Take your time man! Relate a ton with the slacking part o v o 👌
      You can do this!

    5. YAY dont worry, i actually already made a decision that now it is called sea snail, speaking of which im gonna blog sea snails today, or any worm/snail related cuz I just discovered a new specie

    6. AWESOME!!!
      and eyyyy!!!! omg!!! I can't wait ✨️✨️

  2. So excited for your new Neocities website!!!! I understand what you mean here by the way
    (In my computer class, completely off-topic but we've been studying about strategies in digital-creation, one of the strategies includes this, which is firstly creating a "base" like what you're doing here)
    That's why I completely get what you're doing LOLOLOL
    I'd like to see how the website will turn out! It's going to be exciting!!!

    1. YAY glad to hear that :D
      and wow i didn't know that was a strategy, i just thought that was a cool idea, even if its off topic it has something to do with website coding. so it isnt really off topic, thank you again you're so sweet

    2. You're welcome bro-ski!!!👌


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